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Library Quarterly Report FY18 Q1: July-September 2017

Cataloging, Collections and Technical Services

Several personnel changes took place this this quarter. With the departure of Amber Anglada, a search was initiated and interviews conducted to find an hourly associate. James O'Leary left this quarter to begin his new career as an educator. UVA graduate student Haddis Abebe was hired


The tables below reflect the increases in library holdings and cataloging statistics between FY17Q4 and FY18Q1.

OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Statistics - Sept. 30, 2017
FY17 Q4  FY18 Q1 
Transactions  966  564 
Holdings Added to WorldCat Records  133  86 
Total Titles  106,897  106,897 


Catalog Record Count
Jun 30  Sept 30 
Titles  99,141  99,246 
Copies  108,530 108,657 
Volumes (Items)  111,502  111,629 



Print Collection Usage for the Quarter
Type  Items  Location  Print Items 
VDOT  192  Central Office  67 
VTRC  131  Salem 
Other In House/ILL  13  NOVA 
UVA  Hampton Roads 
Total Print Usage  345  Fredericksburg  16 
Richmond  14 
    Staunton  32 
Lynchburg  42 


The table to the left adds the total number of print items borrowed by each district/division of VDOT (192) to items borrowed by UVA personnel and others, creating a hard copy borrowing total of 345



The table below adds the number of downloads from the library's virtual collection this quarter to the circulation from the library's print holdings for a total of 3,316 items borrowed or accessed this quarter.





Total collection usage by quarter
 Print Circulation  345 
 Subscription Downloads 3,494 
 Library Usage for the Quarter 3,839 

The table to the left shows the total collection usage for the past five quarters. The FY18 Q1 bar reflects the total seen in the chart above, 3,839 (a combination of print and virtual collection usage).

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