Cataloging, Collections and Technical Services
In early October, with the help of procurement specialist Michael Kahn and VTRC business manager Donna Cognata, the library was able to co-term all 5 OCLC subscription renewals to a single renewal date of Oct.1. Given our perennial procurement challenges, this was no small feat but fulfilled a long-desired simplification of the management the library's OCLC subscription services. The library also finalized access to a new token bundle subscription to Taylor & Francis journals as well as an online subscription to the Journal Corrosion. The library also decided to discontinue for the time being it's Lyrasis membership. Preparations were begun to secure the necessary resources to the major shifting project mentioned in the spotlight. This quarter also saw print circulation rates begin to rise back to normal levels (after reaching a 10-year low last quarter) though they are still below average.
OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Statistics - October 30, 2021 | ||
FY22 Q1 | FY22 Q2 | |
Transactions | 143 | 230 |
Holdings Added to WorldCat Records | 19 | 32 |
Total Titles | 157,146 | 160,535 |
Catalog Record Count | ||
Oct. 1 | Dec. 31 | |
Titles | 160,615 | 161,173 |
Copies | 170,295 | 170,863 |
Volumes (Items) | 173,361 | 173,930 |
Print Collection Usage for the Quarter | |||
Type | Items | Location | Print Items |
VDOT | 207 | Central Office | 100 |
VTRC | 64 | NOVA | 63 |
Other In House/ILL | 0 | Fredericksburg | 30 |
0 |
Hampton Roads | 7 |
Total Print Usage | 271 | Staunton | 3 |
Salem | 3 | ||
Richmond | 1 | ||
Culpeper | 0 | ||
Lynchburg | 0 | ||
Bristol | 0 |
The table to the left adds the total number of print items borrowed by each district/division of VDOT (207) to items "checked out" or "renewed" by VTRC, UVA personnel and others, creating a hard copy borrowing total of 271.
The table below adds the number of downloads from the library's virtual collection this quarter to the circulation from the library's print holdings for a total of 2,186 items borrowed or accessed this quarter.
Print Circulation | 271 |
Subscription Downloads | 1,915 |
Library Usage for the Quarter | 2,186 |
The table to the left shows the total collection usage for the past four quarters. The FY21 Q2 bar reflects the total seen in the chart above, 2,186 (a combination of print and virtual collection usage).
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