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Library Quarterly Report FY22 Q2: October-December 2021

Virtual Library Card

The library’s “Virtual Library Card” helps employees access collections and services remotely. The bar graph below (left) shows cardholder growth in the past five quarters. This quarter data indicates one patron separated from VDOT and 100 patrons were added, for a net gain of 99 accounts. The pie chart (right) shows how new accounts were created:

New Cards from Onboarding (96): The library gets new data from Human Resources and staffers create new accounts and send a “welcome” e-mail to these new VDOT employees. 
New Cards from Self-Registration (4): Some VDOT employees register themselves online. Library staff verify identities, activate those accounts, and send a welcome message and support materials.

Card holders bar chart
Pie chart showing total card holders

The library conducts "onboarding" a process where new VDOT employee e-mail addresses are collected from the VDOT Human Resources Org Chart on InsideVDOT. This quarter Rebecca Ernest did the onboarding, which includes creating accounts for new VDOT personnel and sending an e-mail “welcome package.” However, we identified what we believe is a looming problem with Org Chart data. As the Commonwealth prepares to implement a new Oracle-based Human Capital Management System, data from the Org Chat is becoming inaccurate. Onboarding activity was strong again 
this quarter (100 new accounts were created) but only one patron "offboarding" was done by Barb Neyman. Why so low? We suspect this may also be due to inaccurate Org Chart data. If so we will need to find a new data source.

FY22Q2: Summary of Library Activity


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 Catalog Record Count - Volumes 173,239 173,270 173,329 173,361 173,930 Section 3
 VDOT Print Collection Usage 930 766 225 165 271 Section 3
 VDOT Subscription Downloads 4,309 3,228 3,294 3,197 1,915 Section 4
 Items Loaned through ILL 0 0 0 0 0 Section 5
 Items Borrowed through ILL 26 37 17 19 10 Section 5
 Document Deliveries to VDOT 32 45 15 28 37 Section 5
 Literature Searches Delivered 4 3 6 6 5 Section 6
 Reference Questions Answered 185 155 184 259 165 Section 6
 Total Questions Answered (all departments) 589 487 602 574 406 Section 6
 Total Virtual Library Card Holders 2,278 2,309 2,431 2,515 2,614 Section 7

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