Includes VDOT subscription databases and publicly accessible search tools and resources. Use filters below to narrow by Subject, Type or Provider, or start your research with a Research Guide.
Full text articles in 37 ASCE peer-reviewed technical and professional journals from as far back as 1983-present, plus 68,000 ASCE conference proceedings papers from as far back as 1996-present, as well as 550 eBooks—for a combined total of more than 200,000 online documents. VDOT employees only.
Provides access to 12,900 standards from ASTM, 2,120 standards from AASHTO and 480 from AWS, in addition to 1,800 electronic manuals, monographs and reports (12 published by AASHTO), and 52,250 papers and articles from ASTM journals and proceedings for a total of more than 68,000 documents. First-time users are required to complete account registration (first access only). VDOT employees only.
ASTM Compass is transitioning to Okta SSO authentication. If you work at VDOT and the link above does not work for you, please try this URL: ASTM Compass (EZProxy Access)
Full-text access to a "custom collection" that includes 268 standards from the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and 3 standards from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). These standards all focus on fiber optic telecommunications systems VDOT is responsible for.
Formerly referred to under the names IHS Markit Engineering Workbench, S&P Global, and IHS
For decades the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) has been the go-to reference source of concepts, performance measures, and analysis techniques for evaluating the multimodal operation of streets, highways, freeways, and off-street paths. The new 3-volume 7th Edition (this eBook version combines all three in a single PDF file) contains important new information. VDOT employees only.
Full text of more than 5,000 publications from key publishers in transportation, engineering, environmental, emergency response and fire protection. Contains AASHTO titles like: "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets," “Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing,” and “AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications." First-time users are required to complete account registration (first access only). VDOT employees only.
Civil Engineering & Construction Materials
Engineering Management & Leadership
Environment & Environmental Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering & Emergency Response
General Engineering & Project Administration
Regulatory Information
Safety & Industrial Hygiene
Transportation Engineering
The 2023 NESC(R) covers practical safeguarding of persons during the installation, operation, or maintenance of (1) electric supply stations, (2) overhead supply and communications lines, and (3) underground or buried supply and communication cables. It also includes work rules for the operation of electric supply and communications lines and equipment. This Code consists of the introduction, definitions, grounding rules, lists of referenced and bibliographic documents, and Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the 2023 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code.
Included in VDOT's online subscription to the NESC 2023 are the following earlier editions of the NESC and related documents:
2023 National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) - Redline
Preprint Proposals for the 2022 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC(R))
2017 National Electrical Safety Code(R) (NESC(R))," in 2017 National Electrical Safety Code(R) (NESC(R))
2017 National Electrical Safety Code(R) (NESC(R)) - Redline
Preprint Proposals for the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code®
National Electric Safety Code(R) (NESC(R))," in National Electrical Safety Code, C2-2012
National Electric Safety Code(R) (NESC(R)) - Redline," in National Electrical Safety Code, C2-2012 - Redline
National Electrical Safety Code 2007 Edition," in IEEE Std C2-2007
Includes more than 33,000 papers from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a private, nonprofit, research organization dedicated to enhanced economic understanding. Includes the Working Papers series, Technical Working Papers, and historic papers with 1,200 new documents added yearly. Any visitor may access up to 3 papers a year for free. VDOT employees (and other US government employees) may register for free access to all papers using their .gov email address.
Search the world's leading source for peer-reviewed scientific and technical journals. VDOT employees may access 18 million full-text articles from more than 4,000 journals and chapters from more than 39,000 e-books. Employees must register with their VDOT email address.
Find a ScienceDirect article or chapter that is not available as full text? If you work at VDOT we can deliver it to you! Simply use this ILL & Document Delivery Request Form
Formerly "Books24x7" this resource provides desktop access to about 28,000 full-text online eBooks, audio books, book summaries, and instructional videos in the fields of: Business, Engineering, Finance, Leadership, IT, Software Applications and more. VDOT employees only.
Note: About 75% of content in this database is eBooks, 12% is audio books, 8% is videos and 5% is summaries. E-Books in this collection are designed for "on screen" reading as opposed to downloading to portable E-book devices, however, all content is accessible from any Internet connected device, including ipads and smartphones.
Search and retrieve full text articles of the online version of Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. TRB provides VDOT and other "sponsors" full-text online access to nearly 24,000 articles from 2007-present. VDOT employees only.
Older issues of Transportation Research Record (formerly Highway Research Record) dating to 1963 are available in print from the VDOT Research library.
Combines records from TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database. TRID provides access to more than 1.4 million records of transportation research worldwide. Exceptionally helpful for finding state DOT research reports.
New / Trial Resources
The following resources are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
CORROSION is the premier research journal featuring peer-reviewed technical articles from the world’s top researchers and provides a permanent record of progress in the science and technology of corrosion prevention and control. Includes over 7,100 peer-reviewed articles from Vol. 1 (1945) - present of this publication by the Association of Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP). VDOT employees only.
The journal, published through Allen Press by AMPP (formerly the groups NACE and SPCC), publishes seven article types – original articles, invited critical reviews, technical notes, corrosion communications fast-tracked for rapid publication, special research topic issues, research letters of yearly annual conference student poster sessions, and scientific investigations of field corrosion processes.
For decades the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) has been the go-to reference source of concepts, performance measures, and analysis techniques for evaluating the multimodal operation of streets, highways, freeways, and off-street paths. The new 3-volume 7th Edition (this eBook version combines all three in a single PDF file) contains important new information. VDOT employees only.
Includes more than 33,000 papers from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a private, nonprofit, research organization dedicated to enhanced economic understanding. Includes the Working Papers series, Technical Working Papers, and historic papers with 1,200 new documents added yearly. Any visitor may access up to 3 papers a year for free. VDOT employees (and other US government employees) may register for free access to all papers using their .gov email address.
The VDOT Crash Analysis Tool is a data portal that utilizes Microsoft Power BI software. It was developed by VDOT's Traffic Engineering Division, Highway Safety section for crash analysis purposes, but a publicly accessible version is available. The main source of the data is owned and maintained by the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This site was made publicly available on October 23, 2019. It contains data from 2015-present.
A Power BI APP version is available to internal VDOT users, who must use their COV account and password to log in. External users with a Power BI license can view the Crash Tool by invitation.