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Suggest: Suggest a Resource

Recommend a book, periodical, research database or other resource for the VDOT Research Library's collections.

Suggest a Resource

The library strives to maintain comprehensive collections from core publishers like: AASHTO, TRB and ITE in accordance with our Collection Development Policy. But if you don't see what you need or if you want to tell us about a new publication you think we should add we are open to your suggestions. Use this online Recommendation Form to recommend a book, periodical or research database for addition to the library's collections. Before doing so, please check our list of Online Resources and the Library Catalog to be sure we don't already own the item you need or something comparable. 

Library Gifts

In recent years we have received thousands of transportation-related publications as VDOT employees retire, clean out their offices or any time when you feel we're the most suitable long-term home for resources that other VDOT employees might need access to in the future. Before contacting us with your gift offer, we recommend you review our Gifts Policy.

After checking our holdings in the Library Catalog, and reading our Collection Development Policy, if you want to gift items to us, you can initiate the process with the Library Gifts & Donations Form.

Acquisitions FAQ

Help With Resources

Profile Photo
Gil Kenner
VDOT Research Library
530 Edgemont Rd.
Charlottesville, VA
(434) 293-1926

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530 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
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Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:30-4:30 | Closed: State holidays
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