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Access Knovel With 'One Click' Thanks to Single Sign On!

by Ken Winter on September 6th, 2023 in Construction, Engineering, Environmental, Management & Leadership, Materials, Project Management, Research, Structures | 0 Comments

Image showing the Accessing ASTM Compass with Single Sign On youube video.
With 'Single Sign On' you can get ASTM standards with one click. Watch this how-to video or simply click to try it now!


Sometimes less is more...and that has got to be the case with passwords!


In an effort to make life a little easier for busy VDOT employees the VDOT Research Library has configured its #1 subscription database — perennial favorite ASTM Compass — to work using Okta and "Single Sign On" (SSO) authentication.

Translation: If you're on the VDOT network, and you click a link to ASTM Compassyou will now get in with no further password prompts!


In fact, returning ASTM users will be recognized back "by name" with all your favorites, recently accessed standards and tracked documents right where you left them. How great is that? 


This could be a huge time saver for frequent users of ASTM Compass, which provides more than 13,000 standards from ASTM, AASHTO and other standards issuing organizations, not to mention close to 3,000 manuals, monographs and reports, and 45,000 papers and articles. 



   This is great! I spent too much time searching and finding only parts of what I was looking for this morning. With Single Sign On I was able to quickly get the standard I needed in ASTM Compass.

- Darius Benton, Construction Manager, Hampton Roads


How does it work for new or first-time users? 
If you are already on the VDOT network, the first thing you'll see when you enter ASTM Compass is a partial user profile recognizing VDOT as your agency as well as your VDOT e-mail address. Complete your profile by inserting your first and last name (you will only see this screen one time) and click "save" as shown here:

Screen capture showing the partially completed ASTM Profile for first time users.


What happens if I try to access ASTM Compass from a device off the VDOT network? (like  a home PC, personal device or VDOT device without VPN)
Like all Okta-enabled applications, you'll be prompted for your VDOT network credentials so you can be recognized and authorized. The Okta sign-in screen looks like this: 

Screen capture showing the Okta login screen you will see if you try to log in from off the network.


If you frequently use the Okta "My Apps" page you'll notice a link to ASTM Compass there as well, as shown below. One click takes you right in to ASTM Compass from that page as well: 

Screen capture showing the Okta My Apps page with a tile for ASTM Compass.


Finally, you may want to add a bookmark ASTM Compass to your favorite browser, or you might want to share a link to ASTM Compass with a friend at VDOT.  We hope you do!  Use this URL: https://library.virginiadot.org/resources/astm


For questions or support see this ASTM Compass Quick-Start Guide


Or get in touch with a librarian...we're here to help!

Ken Winter
(434) 962-8979
VDOT Research Library


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