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Online Access to the National Electrical Safety Code 2023 (Plus Four Earlier Editions!)

by Ken Winter on 2024-07-16T09:23:59-04:00 in Construction, Engineering, Research, Safety & Security | 0 Comments

Banner image showing 3 editions of the National Electrical Safety Code.VDOT's subscription provides all employees unlimited access to National Electrical Safety Code 2023, 2017, 2012, 2007, and 2002, as well as Preprints...all in pdf format. Try it out today!


If you need access to the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and you work at VDOT, you are in luck, thanks to a new full-text online subscription provided by the VDOT Research Library. 


Produced exclusively by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) specifies best practices for the safety of electric supply and communication utility systems at both public and private utilities. The NESC sets the ground rules for practical safeguarding of persons during the installation, operation, or maintenance of power, telephone, cable TV, and railroad signal systems.


The NESC is revised approximately every five years to keep the code up to date and viable and IEEE now offers convenient online access to all VDOT employees through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library database. While that database has citations to 5.4 million works (journal articles, conference papers, technical standards and more), VDOT's "full-text subscription" only includes the 10 documents in the new NESC Online subscription. 


As the definitive safety standard for more than a century, the National Electrical Safety Code continues to be the go-to resource for utility companies of all sizes and ownership structures. With the latest edition, the NESC 2023 offers the industry with the latest guidelines and best practices to help ensure the safety of utility, communications and the general public.


By pursuing an enterprise-wide subscription for the entire agency, the VDOT Research Library has secured significant cost savings and improved access to this important reference source, regardless of what edition you need to consult. Translation: Any VDOT employee can access the following editions of the NESC: 2023, 2017, 2012, 2007, and 2002, as well as Preprints. All documents delivered in PDF format, and that even includes access to a redlined version as well. 


Of course, if you are a VDOT employee and you happen to find a useful paper in IEEE Xplore, you can always use this online form to request a document delivery and the Library will provide you with a full-text copy free of charge in 1-2 weeks. 


After all, our job is to help you do your job! 


Ken Winter
(434) 962-8979
VDOT Research Library

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