Spotlight: Skretta Joins Staff To Coordinate Circulation and Interlibrary Loans
This quarter Amy Skretta joined the staff of the VDOT Research Library after a lengthy search process. She will be overseeing the library's Circulation and Interlibrary Loans programs, among other duties. Amy has a Master's degree in Information Science from UT Knoxville and a BA in English from Mary Baldwin University. Most recently Amy worked at multiple branches of the Jefferson Madison Regional Library providing reference and circulation services, however, she also worked at the Waynesboro Public Library as a Youth Services Librarian. Among other things, Amy's hobbies and interests include cats and Wordle, and she leads this local Book Club.
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Library Shifts to Net Promoter Score (NPS) Satisfaction Survey
As reported in FY21Q4, the library began sending a random double-blind Quality of Service (QoS) survey via e-mail to 25% of all of the library's LibAnswers tickets are they closed, through an automated process. The survey had one simple question ("How would you rate the library’s service?") with a 4-point scale. In 30 months of use, 1,801 tickets were closed, resulting in about 450 surveys sent and 229 responses, a rate of about 51%. Of responses, 214 (93%) rated the library as “Great!” and 7 (3%) as “Good” for an overall satisfaction rating of 96.5%. Several responses had a low rating but highly positive comments, reminding us that even a simple survey can be misinterpreted by customers. With this in mind, and working with Deloitte consultants as part of the VDOT of Tomorrow initiative, we decided to replace the QoS survey with Sringshare's new Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey.
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The NPS asks patrons if they would recommend the library to a friend at VDOT. It includes a 10-point scale, is more graphical and more friendly for mobile devices, thus less confusing and easier for patrons to interpret. We launched the NPS survey on January 7th and got 24 responses by the end of the quarter, with a user satisfaction rating of 95.8%, including 23 responses in the "promoter" category, only one in the "passive" category and none in the "detractor" category.
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