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Using Microsoft Teams From Home

This guide shows VDOT employees how to load Microsoft Teams on a personal or "home" computer or other connected device.

Install Microsoft Teams

Your next step will be to locate the software you just downloaded and install it.  Where the download appears may depend on which browser you use. Here are examples from several popular browsers: 

Chrome: Chrome users will see something like this in the lower left corner of the screen.  Click the down arrow and then select "Open" to start the installation:


FireFox: FireFox users will first see this dialog box.  Select "Save File" to proceed.


When the download is complete, check the upper right corner of the browser, where you will see a downward pointing arrow (shown below).  Select the file to start installation.


Microsoft Edge: For Microsoft Edge users, the download will appear at the lower left corner of the screen, as shown below.  When the file has downloaded select "Open" to install it.



Regardless of the browser you use, the program should start installation.  When the software is installed, this will appear on your screen: 

A screen capture showing the Microsoft Teams sign in screen.


Enter your full VDOT e-mail address and click the "Sign In" button.


If you've accessed VDOT email from the computer you are loading Teams to, you may see a screen that looks like this:

Screen capture showing the option to select work or school account.

Select "Work or school account" as shown above.

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