ScienceDirect is an amazing source of peer-reviewed scientific and technical journal articless and book chapters. VDOT employees can use ScienceDirect to find more than 16 million full-text articles from more than 4,100 journals and chapters from more than 39,000 e-books in hundreds of subject areass within the broad categories of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences.
Due to its cost VDOT has developed a unique approach (among all our subscriptions) to keeping access levels high for employees and costs down for the agency. This guide explains how we do that, while this ScienceDirect Quick-Start Guide explains how new users can create an account and get started.
More than 16 million articles and chapters from 4,100 journals and 39,000 e-Books in ScienceDirect are accessible through VDOT's subscription for download or "request" by VDOT employees, including nearly 1 million "Open Access" articles (learn more about Open Access), which are freely accessible to any connected user.
Some of the best technical journals consulted by top engineers, researchers and decision makers in transportation are published by Elsevier through ScienceDirect. Since the list grows daily the best way for users to keep up is to search or browse all 4,100 journals and 39,000 e-Books in ScienceDirect.
Some resources in ScienceDirect may not seem relevant to VDOT (like health sciences or other disciplines indirectly related to transportation), so we compiled an A-Z List of "Core Journals" frequently used by transportation professionals, including many titles in ScienceDirect.
Here are some Examples of ScienceDirect Journals
Accident Analysis & Prevention
Case Studies in Construction Materials
Cement and Concrete Composites
Cement and Concrete Research
Construction and Building Materials
Corrosion Science
Geotextiles and Geomembranes
Journal of Constructional Steel Research
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Safety Research
Journal of Traffic & Transportation Engineering
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of Urban Management
Research in Transportation Economics
Transport Policy
Transportation Geotechnics
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour