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Library Quarterly Report FY24 Q1: July-Sept 2023

Interlibrary Loans (ILL) and Document Deliveries

Interlibrary lending, coordinated by Barb Neyman, is critical for locating and delivering specialized sources to VDOT employees. We use OCLC's WorldShare ILL network to borrow and lend worldwide. We were a non-lender for 5 quarters during the hardest part of the pandemic, but restored our lending status more than a year ago. Overall, our fill rate for requests was higher before the pandemic than after and these days we find we are frequently being asked by libraries to lend "non-lendable" materials like eBooks. This quarter we were asked for 47 items, but were only able to grant 2 loans (one hard copy and one scan). Most common reasons for refusal to loan were "auto deflections" an inability to lend eBooks or other "licensed" resources, and our policy not to lend reference materials. On the borrowing side we had a 100% fill rate, though we did not request many items. We requested and received 18 items from libraries in 7 U.S. states and one foreign country (Germany). 

Libraries We Borrowed From: 18 Transactions

Libraries VDOT borrowed from.


This quarter we requested and received 18 items from 16 libraries worldwide. Of all requests, 13 were supplied by academic libraries, 2 items came from state libraries, 1 came from a public library, 1 from a corporate library and 1 from a federal library. Items requested were borrowed from libraries in 7 states and 1 foreign country (Germany). Six of the requests were filled as hard copy (books/reports) and 12 as photocopy/digital/fax (articles/chapters).








This quarter we received 47 requests from 33 libraries in 19 U.S. states 1 foreign country (Australia). We loaned one item as hard copy and one as a scan, both to academic libraries. 

                    Libraries We Loaned To: 2 Transactions

VDOT as borrower from other libraries
Document Deliveries
 FY23 Q2  FY23 Q3  FY23 Q4   FY24 Q1
 47  46  80  52

Note: Document Deliveries are items patrons request that library staff scan or download from a database or subscription resource and sent to the patron as a service.

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