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Harvard Business Review eBooks: Quick Start Guide: About

The purpose of this guide is to help VDOT employees find and use Harvard Business Review eBooks, subscription database providing access to nearly 700 eBooks from HBR Press.

What is the Harvard Business Review eBook Collection?

HBR Ebsco Ebooks logo

Ebook vendor EBSCO has teamed up with Harvard Business Review Press to offer online access Harvard Business Review eBooks, the full catalog of nearly 700 business books published by HBR Press. The result is this specialized collection of more than 400 monographs, new and seminal works, and more than 150 "article compilations" from the in the HBR "Classics" and "10 Must Reads" series (highlighted in the guide Must-Reads From the Harvard Business Review).

All eBooks in this collection are available for one-click viewing (even if another VDOT employee is using the same book at the same time) in either PDF or EPUB format using any popular browser (as shown below):

Screen capture demonstrating the appearance of an eBook in the HBR series.

Adobe Digital Editions

In addition to viewing in the browser, library patrons also have the option for "Full Download" which allows them to "check out" and download any EBSCO eBook for "portability" for up to 365 days through the Adobe Digital Editions eBook application. Here's what an HBR eBook looks like in Adobe Digital Editions:

Example of an HBR book in Adobe Digital Editions

When combined with the patron's personal iPad (or similar tablet), this approach offers "full portability" for up to 365 days per title (with unlimited renewals) on devices like the iPad, Nook or Kindle Fire:

Image of an HBR book on an ipad.

Note: Patrons can either "transfer" an item from Adobe Digital Editions on their VDOT computer to an iPad or other tablet, or they can download eBooks directly to the ipad/tablet without using their VDOT computer, as long as the patron has a has a Virtual Library Card and an Internet connected tablet with Adobe Digital Editions on it linked to the patron's free Adobe ID.  EBSCO discusses how to authorize Adobe Digital Editions in this article.

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