Creating an EBSCO account is fast, free, only needs to be done once, and that account can be used for all EBSCO databases (not just eBooks). You only really need to register an account if you want to check out and "download" an e-book onto a portable device. However, some users create accounts because that also allows you to create "folders" where you can "save" and "organize" different eBooks you are interested in.
Creating an account and "downloading" the eBook to your portable device means that you can walk around with the device and access the eBook even when you don't have an internet connection.
Here's how to register if you want to:
1. From any EBSCO database, look for the words "Sign In" on the top banner:
2. If you created an account in past your credentials may be remembered (see below). You can click "Forgot your password?" if needed, or select "Create one now" if needed. Please be sure to use your VDOT e-mail address. We recommend using that address as your "user name" too:
3. You'll know you successfully signed in when you see your name in the upper right-hand corner:
VDOT employees ARE NOT REQUIRED to register an account in order to find and use EBSCO eBooks in any of ou 3 eBook databases, but it may either be helpful or necessary depending on how you hope to interact with EBSCO eBooks and also on whether you hope to read books on a portable device. Here are a few "Scenarios" to explain:
1. Go to:
2. Click on "New IT Request" and fill out and submit the online form.
3. The request ill be assigned to the software development group for installation, which you can track.
1. Check out the book for up o 365 days, selecting your preferred format (EPUB if available).
2. Download the eBook to your computer and open it in Adobe Digital Editions.
3. Transfer it to your portable device following these instructions, if you want.
Note: Getting Adobe Digital Editions is a one-time request. In addition to Adobe Digital Editions you will need to register for a free Adobe ID and link your Adobe ID to your Adobe Digital Editions software.
Note: You will need to use your personal device unless VDOT has issued you one.