ORCID — or Open Researcher and Contributor Identifiers — are unique IDs that you can use as a researcher to identify your academic work. The IDs help funders, publishers, scholarly societies, and your peers quickly find and differentiate your work from materials created by researchers with similar names. ORCIDs are increasingly being used by publishers ranging from the American Society of Civil Engineers, to the American Geophysical Union, IEEE, and Wiley.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.
To get started with ORCID, follow these three steps:
1.) Get an ORCID for free at https://orcid.org/register.
2.) Add your scholarly works: Once you’ve created your ORCID ID, you can add works to your record, set up automatic updates, or delegate management of your account to someone else.
3.) Use your ORCID ID: Include your ORCID ID on your webpage, when you submit publications, on grant applications, and in other research workflows to ensure that you get credit for your work.
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