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Library Quarterly Report FY17 Q4: April-June 2017


his quarter the library introduced a series of Research Guides to educate library users and promote special events. The library is still coming up to speed on creating LibGuides and we benefited greatly from access to the LibGuides Community, which contains more than 500,000 guides created by librarians at more than 4,500 organizations. Participating librarians share these guides with each other, saving time and reducing duplicated effort. 

National Bike Month 2017 was created by Gil Kenner and contributed by the VDOT Research Library to the greater LibGuides Community on May 12, 2017. The guide featured VDOT resources, bicycle research, statewide bicycle events and more. The guide was promoted in Connections, the library's  E-newsletter. 
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National Work Zone Awareness Week was rolled out on April 4, 2017 and was preceded by a Connections post on the National Work Zone Safety Clearinghouse (which turned 20 that month). The guide was cross promoted using Twitter and LinkedIn and this resulted in a record 262 views in This guide was also contributed by the VDOT Research Library to the community.   
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Open Access is a subject many researchers don't understand. So our ability to locate this guide from the LibGuides Community (we adapated this guide with permission from a guide published by Iowa State University) was a tremendous help. This guide had more than 100 views in its first 30 days. 
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Predatory Publishers is a guide we also adapated with permission from a guide published by Iowa State University). Since researchers have to balance how they spend their time with attempts to establish a creditable publication record, this topic is one that is growing in importance.
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