Spotlight: Databases Continue To Evolve
This quarter saw unusual levels of change in the library's subscription databases. While those databases do change from time to time it is unusual to have so many and such significant changes in terms of their interface design, content and branding in a single quarter. Here's a summary of the changes we saw:
The library upgraded EBSCO's Business Source Complete to an even better resource for finding premium journals in management, leadership, human resources, business information and news. That new source looks similar, but is called Business Source Corporate Plus and contains significantly more resources. more than 5,600 "comprehensive" full-text journals title by title. That translates into the ability of employees to access every article from journals like:
Books24x7 Database Becomes 'Skillsoft Books'
Books24x7, a resource VDOT employees have been using for more than 10 years, was rebranded with a new name, interface, and lots of new content. Thanks to a new Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication option, VDOT employees who want to use the newly named Skillsoft Books can launch it from VDOT's network with a single click, as the interface remembers the login credentials of users on the network.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Transportation Library has announced it is replacing its online Integrated Search tool with a new resource called the Repository and Open Science Access Portal (ROSA P). This new version of this repository is freely accessible and designed to enhance access to the NTL’s collection of over 30,000 items. The Integrated Search tool will be phased out at the end of the calendar year.
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