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Library Quarterly Report FY23 Q4: April-June 2023

Cataloging, Collections and Technical Services

This quarter Gil Kenner embarked on an ambitious effort to update the library's online catalog holdings for items in the Skillsoft database subscription. Vendor Skillport had updated its MARC record datasets (which we download from OCLC and install on our local library catalog) to fix a number of problems, notably links that were not leading patrons to eBooks in the Skillsoft Books database and in some cases records to Skillsoft content that VDOT no longer subscribed to. VDOT has changed its subscription both in terms of content categories and actual titles and today the resource contains close to 28,000 items in 7 content categories, including: eBooks, book summaries, audio books and videos.

OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Statistics - June 30, 2023
FY23 Q3  FY23 Q4 
Transactions  327  308 
Holdings Added to WorldCat Records  28  29 
Total Titles  149,635  *92,875 


Catalog Record Count
March 31  June 30 
Titles  161,442 *148,559 
Copies  171,034  *158,150 
Volumes (Items)  174,175  *161,295 

* ​​​Note: Skillsoft MARC record updates were in progress this quarter as we collected data, which means tens of thousands of records may have been temporarily removed in order to update them and reinstall them in the library catalog. This is causing large swings in "holdings" data we are reporting this quarter and next. 

Print Collection Usage for the Quarter
Type  Items  Location  Print Items 
VDOT  91  NOVA  38 
VTRC  30  Central Office  21 
Other In House/ILL  Fredericksburg  17 
UVA  Culpeper 
Total Print Usage  124  Bristol 
Hampton Roads 


The table to the left adds the total number of print items borrowed by each district/division of VDOT (91) to items borrowed by UVA personnel and others, creating an unusually low hard copy borrowing total of 311.



The table below adds the number of downloads from the library's virtual collection this quarter to the circulation from the library's print holdings for a total of 3,586 items borrowed or accessed this quarter.


Total collection usage by quarter
 Print Circulation  124 
 Subscription Downloads 3,462 
 Library Usage for the Quarter 3,586 

The table to the left shows the total collection usage for the past five quarters. The FY22 Q4 bar reflects the total seen in the chart above, 3,586, a slight decrease from recent quarters. 

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