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Interlibrary Loans (ILL) and Document Deliveries
Our Interlibrary lending service, led by Barb Neyman, helps provide specialized information to employees in ways that are more effective than attempts to acquire, catalog, and store all needed publications. In the 5 years prior to the pandemic we averaged 7 loans per quarter to other libraries, while borrowing an average of 35 items per quarter. During the pandemic we ceased all outbound loans for 5 quarters and borrowed an average of 22 items a quarter. The average for the most recent 5 quarters has been 6.5 loans and 24 borrows. This quarter we loaned 6 items to other libraries and borrowed 39, indicating the service is normalizing. Our document delivery service was nearly twice average this quarter.
This quarter the library requested and received 39 total items from other libraries. 19 libraries worldwide supplied items to our library. 35 came from academic libraries and 4 were provided by public libraries. Items requested were from libraries in 3 states and one from a library in Spain. Of all requests, 18 were filled as hard copy (books/reports) and 21 as photocopy/digital/ fax (articles, chapters, excerpts).
This quarter we received 46 requests from 40 libraries in 22 states and 2 foreign countries (Finland and Australia). We loaned 6 items (two hard copy and four scanned), which is close to our 5-year pre-pandemic average.
Document Deliveries | |||
FY23 Q1 | FY23 Q2 | FY23 Q3 | FY23 Q4 |
55 | 47 | 46 | 80 |
530 Edgemont Road,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Ph: 434-293-1902 | E-mail: Library@vdot.virginia.gov
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Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:30-4:30 | Closed: State holidays
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