We recommend VDOT employees start by signing in with their Virtual Library Card account. Click the 'Sign In" button at the top right of the catalog home screen, as shown here:
You'll come to a screen that looks like this:
Enter your VDOT Email address and your password (your password will also be your VDOT email address unless you've changed it- which you can do at any time by clicking "Password Reset" below). Then click "Sign In".
*NOTE* If you are new to the VDOT Library and haven't already received a "Welcome" email, you will need to request a "Virtual Library Card". You can do that by clicking the "Get a Library Card!" button at the top of the sign in page. You can also just go ahead and register for a Virtual Library card here right away.
Once you've signed in, you'll be taken back to the catalog home screen:
Notice the "Sign In" button will now read "Sign Out." This indicates that you have signed in successfully (Tip: If you regularly use a computer assigned only to you, feel free to stay signed in all the time).
Now that you are signed in you can use all the "Personalized" features of the library catalog, including requesting items for check out (learn more on the Online Checkouts page of this guide).
Also, by signing in you can access and manage your account with the features under the "My Account" drop-down such "My Profile", "My Checkouts", "My Checkout History","My Holds" and more. Learn more about these additional features on the Additional Features page of this guide.
Now you're ready to get started searching the library's collections!
530 Edgemont Road,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Ph: 434-293-1902 | E-mail: Library@vdot.virginia.gov
© Copyright 2024, VDOT. All rights reserved.
Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:30-4:30 | Closed: State holidays
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