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Compendex: Quick Start Guide: Full Text Options

A quick start guide for users of the Compendex database on the Engineering Village platform.

Full-Text Options

Compendex is considered a "citation" database, since it indexes and provides citations across all engineering literature, including all of VDOT's journal subscriptions with all publishers. Full-text is not always available, but the Engineering Village interface has features designed to lead you to VDOT's other subscriptions for full-text access whenever full text is available. 

TIP: Click on the Image of the "full text" button or the  Image of the "View in Knovel" button button!

In addition, Compendex increasingly has links to full-text resources that are available as "Open Access" articles or "Preprint" articles. FAQs in the next section explain these terms.

From Citation to 'Full-Text'

Screen capture showing ways to get full text from Compendex.

Clicking the "Full-text" button will help lead you to the full-text document, regardless of whether it is Open Access, a preprint or one of thousands of articles in another Library subscription database. In each case, your Compendex search results stay onscreen while a new browser window opens with your full text.

"Types" of Full-Text

1. Open Access: 4.4 million open access items are available for "free, immediate, online availability...coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment."  (Source: SPARC) To get a document click "Full text" 

2. Preprint articles: 850,000 preprint articles (manuscripts prepared for publication that get shared prior to full peer review) are also in Compendex. For more on this topic see our Preprint FAQ. To get a document click "Full text"

3. VDOT Subscription Journals: More than 500,000 articles from engineering/technical journals held by the library are in Compendex, including:  ASCE journals, ICE journals and dozens more. To get a document click "Full text"

4. Knovel: About 2,800 eBooks available in VDOT's Knovel subscription are now accessible via Compendex. To get to one click "View in Knovel" 

Still Can't Find the Full-Text?

Don't give up if Compendex leads you to a paywall or any other dead end that does not result in full-text!

For any item you find in Compendex that does not have a "Full text" button (or the button does not connect you to the full text as you had hoped), simply copy the citation details and submit them in a request to the Library using this ILL and Document Delivery Request Form. Delivery may take 1-2 weeks, but is often much faster and we have an amazing fulfillment rate!

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