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Engineering Workbench: Quick Start Guide: Customer Academy

A quick start guide to using the Engineering Workbench subscription standards database, available to VDOT employees through the VDOT Research Library.

What Is the Customer Academy?

Accuris provides a series of e-Learning modules and "live training" through the Accuris Customer Academy. Module 1 is a short "fundamentals" course that is a single e-Learning module. Module 2 contains a video that might be useful called "Engineering Workbench Fundamentals" that demonstrates functionality, however, because VDOT only subscribes to a small number of TIA standards, the video can mislead users into thinking that many types of content can be accessed and utilized that way. Since that is not the case, and since the Engineering Workbench interface is fairly intuitive, we don't recommend the training. However, it is available.   


Gil, this training is a pain, and kind to do and not so helpful. I think I suggest we just omit all reference to this part?  Or maybe handle it with a simple FAQ? Please see FAQ section of this guide!

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