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Engineering Workbench: Quick Start Guide: Password Reset

A quick start guide to using the Engineering Workbench subscription standards database, available to VDOT employees through the VDOT Research Library.

Password Reset

Follow the steps below to reset your password if you need to. 

Step 1: Click Forgot Password?

Returning users who have forgotten their password can easily reset it. After entering your VDOT e-mail address you will be prompted for your password. If you can't remember it, but are pretty sure you have an account, click "Forgot Password?" as shown below: 

Screen capture of the "forgot password" recovery screen.

You will be prompted to "Send Password Reset Code" as shown below. This is done by verifying the e-mail is a VDOT address, and has a registered account. If you don't have a registered account, you will be prompted to create one. If you do, you'll see this message. Click the "Send Password Reset Code" button:

Screen capture of "we need to verify your email address to reset your password" screen.

You will be prompted to "Send Password Reset Code" as shown below. This is done by verifying the e-mail is a VDOT address, and has a registered account. If you don't have a registered account, you will be prompted to create one. If you do, you'll see this message:

Screen capture of "we need to verify your email address to reset your password" screen.

Step 2: Retrieve Code From Your E-mail

Open your e-mail in box and search for a message from "" which includes an activation code. It looks something like this:

Screen capture showing the "Password Reset" email the user should have received.

Copy the verification code, go back to Engineering Workbench, and paste the code in. Then click the "Continue" button: 

Screen capture showing where the paste the verification code to reset a password.

Step 3: Create a New Password

Create a new password. You'll know it conforms to security requirements when each requirement shown below has a green check mark next to it. Re-enter the password as shown below and click the "Create Password" button: 


Step 4: Log In

Next, enter your newly re-set password as shown below and click the "Continue" button:

Enter your newly re-set password on the Enter Password screen.

You should get in to the Main Menu screen, where you can select Engineering Workbench to get to full-text standards: 

Screen capture showing the Main Menu screen where users can select Engineering Workbench.

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