VDOT's migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online includes implementation of the Microsoft Office 365 platform, which will dramatically change the way we collaborate, accomplish our work, interact with our customers and deliver our services. For more information and support visit VDOT's Office of Performance and Transformation Support Site, which contains: FAQs, Migration Information, Training Pathways, Support Requests and much more.
VDOT is in the process of migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online (SPOL). Phase 1 is complete with the following InsideVDOT sites migrated:
Phase 2 of the migration project is underway. The following division sites should go live on April 26:
Additional division and district sites will migrate to SPOL in Phases 3 and 4 and at the same time OutsideVDOT and VDOTSecure sites will transition to SPOL by June 7. The InsideVDOT migration sequence for all districts and divisions can be found here.