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Library Quarterly Report FY17 Q2: October-December 2016

Database Usage

Use of library subscription databases was flat this quarter, which is typical for this time of year. As is typical, the two most used databases (by downloads) were ASTM Compass and Knovel. In addition, the ASCE Library database had a surprisingly high level of usage. Downloads were 62% higher than the average over the last 3 quarters.

We plan to continue promoting these subscription resources and educating patrons on their used by creating LibGuides. We plan to start that process by migrating our existing “Quick Start Guides” (which are now static PDF handouts) into interactive online LibGuides for key resources like Knovel, ASTM Compass, and Books24x7 as soon as we develop a template for that kind of guide. When that happens the "Research" section of the library's new Web site will begin to fill with helpful research guides.  


Subscription Downloads
The VDOT Research Library continues to expand access to key resources through online subscription databases. With thirteen subscription databases now active and serving the VDOT community, the library has seen a steady amount of usage for FY2016 and into FY2017. The tables show the number of downloads per month (below) from each database, as well as the trend over the past year (right).
Subscription database usage January-December 2016
Subscription Downloads by VDOT
   October  November  December  Total 
 Knovel  128  279   252  659 
Non-Subscription Downloads (EOS Clickthroughs)  201  162  212  575 
ASTM Compass  223  163  188  574 
ASCE  119  133  152  404 
TRR   107  103  40  250 
Books24x7  71  38  42  151 
EBSCO BBS  14  31  31  76 
EBSCO eBooks   12  17  15  44 
ScienceDirect    8   5   2   15 
Other (miscelaneous journals)  15 
Monthly Totals  886  935  944  2,765 

* Miscellaneous journals includes several one-off subscriptions, including Corrosion and the International Journal of Pavement Engineering as opposed to "packages" such as ASCE Library, which covers all 32 ASCE journals.

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