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Library Quarterly Report FY18 Q4: April-June 2018

Spotlight: New Guide On National Work Zone Awareness Week

Screen capture of the 2018 National Work Zone Awareness Week Guide.
The library created this guide to connect VDOT employees to internal and external training resources for NWZAW.

This quarter the library created it's 18th guide. This one is on
National Work Zone Awareness Week 2018

The guide was released to coincide with National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 9-13, 2018) and it included links to resources on the: History, Education, Training, Research, information on the VDOT Worker's Memorial and much more. It also included links back to the library if patrons needed access to books, research materials, library collections or services.


Additional Promotions:

Memorial Vigil: April 10th

The guide also reminded VDOT employees they were invited to attend VDOT's Annual Work Zone Awareness Week Vigial at the VDOT Worker's Memorial, April 10, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. 


"Go Orange" Day is April 11th

Finally, the guide encouraged employees to show support of work zone workers and increase awareness by wearing something orange on April 11th, pointing to photos of VDOT employees from last year's Go Orange Day and encouraging posts to social media using the hashtags: #Orange4Safety or #OrangeForSafety.

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