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Library Quarterly Report FY22 Q4: April-June 2022

Interlibrary Loans (ILL) and Document Deliveries
Adapting to COVID-19

Interlibrary lending, led by Barb Neyman, helps us locate, acquire, and deliver specialized information to VDOT employees in ways that are more effective than if we were to attempt to acquire, catalog, and store all needed publications. Since the pandemic we have averaged 21 borrows but filled only 2 requests in five quarters before resuming loans last quarter (which rebounded with 17 loans). We briefly halted ILL activity for 2 weeks due to staff leave, but received a healthy 29 requests from other libraries, filling 3 of those requests. We borrowed 19 items from other libraries. These numbers are close to normal for us.

Libraries We Borrowed From: 19 Transactions

VDOT as borrower from other libraries.



This quarter the library requested and received 19 total items from other libraries. 14 libraries worldwide supplied items to our library, all 19 of which came from academic libraries this quarter. Items requested were from libraries in 9 states with no international libraries lending to us. Of all requests, only 2 were filled as hard copy (books/reports) and 17 as photocopy/digital/ fax (articles, chapters, excerpts).






This quarter we received 29 requests from 25 libraries in 17 states and 2 foreign countries (Canada and Gemany). We loaned 3 items (one hard copy and two scans), which is much closer to our 5-year pre-pandemic average.




 Libraries We Loaned To: 3 Transactions      

VDOT as lender to other libraries.
Document Deliveries
 FY22 Q1  FY22 Q2  FY22 Q3  FY22 Q4
 28  37  56  47
Note: Document Deliveries are items patrons request that library staff scan or download from a database or subscription resource and sent to the patron as a service.

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