Research Services
Since 2016 the library has used Springshare’s Reference Analytics (part of the LibAnswers module) to track interactions. The system allows us to track the back-and-forth nuances of customer service with precision and provides data on who is asking questions, when, patron location, type of question, and other transactional data. This quarter there were 472 total patron transactions, 134 of which were "reference questions." Of those, 47 were from VTRC personnel, 52 from VDOT employees in other parts of the agency, and 35 were from 'Other' or non-affiliated patrons. Both reference transactions and "all transactions" were slightly below average this quarter. The charts below describes the 'Other' category.
The table to the right shows reference and research questions the library received by district/division this quarter (99 total). Added to questions received from non-affiliated sources (35 total) added up to 134.
Origin | Questions | VTRC/CO/Districts | Transactions | |
VDOT | 99 | VTRC | 47 | |
Central Office | 25 | |||
Staunton | 8 | |||
Hampton Roads | 6 | |||
Lynchburg | 4 | |||
Salem | 3 | |||
Other (Non-affiliated) | 35 | Bristol | 3 | |
Total Transactions | 134 | Fredericksburg | 2 | |
NOVA | 1 |
1. Minimum Bend Diameters for Stainless Steel, MMFX Steel, and Black Steel Reinforcement
(Compiled for Bernard L. Kassner, PhD, P.E., VTRC Research Scientist, 15 pages)
2. Using Recycled Plastics and Plastic Waste In Asphalt Binders and RPM Binder Mixtures: A Literature Search
(Compiled for Jhony Habbouche, PhD, P.E., VTRC Senior Research Scientist, 124 pages)
530 Edgemont Road,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Ph: 434-293-1902 | E-mail:
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Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:30-4:30 | Closed: State holidays
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