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Library Quarterly Report FY23 Q3: January-March 2023

Interlibrary Loans (ILL) and Document Deliveries

Interlibrary lending, led by Barb Neyman, helps the library provide specialized information to employees in ways that are more effective than if we attempted to acquire, catalog, and store all needed publications. Demand for ILL and document delivery remains strong. In the 5 years prior to the pandemic we averaged 7 loans per quarter to other libraries, while borrowing an average of 35 items per quarter. As we pass the 3-year mark since the pandemic started, we are averaging just over 20 borrows and about 3.5 loans a quarter. We resumed lending one year ago this quarter and our lending statistics are gradually increasing.

   Libraries We Borrowed From: 37 Transactions

VDOT as borrower from other libraries.



This quarter the library requested and received 37 total items from other libraries. 37 libraries loaned items to us, of which 33 were supplied by academic libraries and 2 by federal libraries, 1 by a special library and 1 by a state library. Items requested were from libraries in 9 U.S. states and Canada. 7 of the requests arrived as hard copy (books/reports) and 30 as photocopy/digital/ fax (articles, chapters, excerpts).






This quarter we received 45 requests from 41 libraries in 20 U.S. states and four foreign countries (Canada, England, Denmark and Sweden). We were able to supply 4 items total: 1 as hard copy and 3 as scans. Of all loans, 3 were to academic libraries and 1 was to a public library.




Libraries We Loaned To: 4 Transactions        

VDOT as lender to other libraries.


Document Deliveries
 FY22 Q4  FY23Q1  FY23 Q2  FY23 Q3
 47  55  47  46
Note: Document Deliveries are items patrons request that library staff scan or download from a database or subscription resource and sent to the patron as a service.

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