You don't have to visit the library to use full-text online subscriptions!
You can access subscriptions at any time of day, any day of the week from any connected device as long as you are on the VDOT network (including network access via VPN). Just select a subscription and you should be automatically recognized for unlimited download and use.
Off the VDOT network?
You can now access subscriptions from your home PC. In fact, if you have any Internet-connected device and a Virtual Library Card you should be able to access library resources. To illustrate, we've laid out two scenarios below using the ASCE Library database as an example of how access works for most subscription databases.
Step 1: From the Library Catalog or from the Library Web site A-Z list, click on the link to the subscription ASCE Library (shown below):
Step 2: You are on the VDOT network so you will be automatically granted database access. You can tell you are in VDOT's subscription when you see the VDOT logo:
Step 1: From the Library Catalog or from the Library Web site A-Z list, click on the link to the subscription ASCE Library (shown below):
Step 2: Since you are NOT on the VDOT network, you will not be automatically recognized, but you will be prompted to enter your Virtual Library Card Credentials:
Step 3: Your credentials should be accepted, taking you into the subscription, which will look and work the same as it does when you are on the VDOT network:
Note: Each time you use your Library Card you will be automatically recognized by any other library database you visit for the next 8 hours, without having to enter your Library Card credentials again.
Two of the library's subscription databases (ASTM Compass and Knovel) require you to register for a free vendor account to gain access, regardless of how you access those resources. In both cases employees must use their VDOT e-mail address as their user name and create a separate password that you can manage separately.
A third resource, Skillsoft Books, now authenticates using Single Sign On (SSO). SSO recognizes your VDOT network credentials even when you are not on the VDOT network or are using a device that was not issued by VDOT (like a personal computer, tablet or smartphone). Questions? Contact: