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Virtual Library Card: How To Renew Items Remotely

Learn how to access full-text databases remotely and "check out" or "renew" books from any conntected computer using your Virtual Library Card.

Renew Items Remotely

If you have an item that is checked out (but not yet overdue) and you know you'll need it longer, you can renew it yourself remotely. Here's how:

Step 1: Select 'Sign In" at the top of the catalog home screen as shown here:

Screen capture showing the Sign In option.

You'll come to a screen that looks like this:

Screen capture of the library catalog sign in page.

Enter your Virtual Library Card credentials in the spaces shown above and select "Sign In".

Step 2: You'll be taken back to the catalog home screen. If you select "My Account" you'll see all your account options. Go to "My Checkouts" as shown below:

Screen capture showing the My checkout feature.

Step 3: The "My Checkouts" screen will display all items you have checked out (shown below). Selecting the "+" icon next to an item will display its full information, including date of checkout and due date. Select the check box next to the item and click the "Renew" button to renew it:

Screen capture showing the "renew" feature.

You should see a dialog box confirming your renewal (shown below):

Screen capture showing "renew checkouts" confirmation

You should also receive an e-mail notification confirming the renewal (shown below):

Screen capture of email confirming item renewal.

WARNING: If you attempt to renew an item that another patron has placed a "hold" on you will not be able to do so. Instead, you will see a dialog box that looks like this:

Screen capture showing message indicating item did not renew due to hold.

In addition, you will receive an e-mail confirmation confirming the item "Cannot be renewed" and it will advise you to "Contact the library"

Screen capture showing an email for a renewal attempt that did not work due to a hold.

Note: If you see this message please do reach out to us. We can usually find a way to get another copy of the needed item to you for continued use, while also supporting the needs of patrons who had already placed holds.

Library Overdue Fees

VDOT employees need not worry about overdue fees or library "fines" because we don't charge any! See this FAQ for more details.

Contact the Library:

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