his quarter we deployed the replacement for Report Writer software (which has been discontinued by vendor EOS). The tool is used for gathering statistics related to use of our library automation system, and has been replaced with Blue Cloud Analytics (BCA). Gil Kenner now manages reports using BCA based on the criteria we have specified (all uses of print materials, including: checkouts, renewals, ILLs and "in-house" uses). Since Barb Neyman, head of circulation, ran one final circulation report using Report Writer, we were able to compare the two. BCA data showed 162 circulations, while Report Writer showed 279. Which is accurate? Overall the BCA circulation data is 29% lower than average for recent years and it is possible the data is accurate (or partially accurate), and circulation is indeed down this quarter. But that does not explain the inconsistencies shown the graph below. We have contacted EOS for support and may retroactively modify our reports if we find out what has happened. Here's what the current data looks like:
Circulation Data Discrepancies Confuse Library Reporting
In Circulation and Interlibrary Loans Barb Neyman kept things running smoothly, reporting an unusually high number of ILL requests from other libraries for the second consecutive quarter. In Q1 we had 73 item requests and loaned only 5 items (less than 7%). This quarter we got a surprising 86 requests from 65 libraries in the U.S. and two foreign countries. We were only able to grant 8 loans (about 9%). We will continue to monitor to see if this is a new trend.
In Research Services, full-text downloads were strong this quarter (the second highest since we started collecting statistics in 2010) with a total of 3,709 downloads. Staffers Rebecca Ernest and Ken Winter also delivered 4 literature searches this quarter. In addition, thanks to a new ScienceDirect contract Ken Winter was able to reconfigure VDOT's access to create a new "self-service" experience that gives selected VDOT employees access to full-text articles and book chapters. In the past all users had to fill out an online request form which came to library staffers to fill. Now, we have assigned direct access privileges to all VTRC researchers and other selected employees who want it. As they proceed to the full text, those users see and consent to a message that acknowledges that the agency is about to incur a fee for full text (reminding them to be sure really need the resource) and letting them know library staff will monitor downloads.
Finally, this quarter we worked with VDOT Human Resources to come up with a better mechanism for identifying patrons who have separated from VDOT. In the new process, we send a file of patron data (generated from BCA) to HR for review. HR sorts the list into these categories: active employees, VDOT contractors, non-VDOT employees and employees with non-VDOT email addresses. As we expand our patron base to include non-traditional employees, tracking who they are and when they separate will become even more important to ensure we don't violate any VDOT licensing agreements.
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