Cataloging, Collections and Technical Services
Gil Kenner and Ken Winter had a conference call with Wade France and Nuny Morgan (who manage the Skillsoft contract) to understand the value of MARC records provided by the vendor as they negotiate their next contract. Work was finalized on historical collection of VTRC photos in time for 75th anniversary which occurred in November. In addition, Gil met with Jaeger Broholm in Central Office communications and acquired 6 boxes of historic photos of the HRBT construction. He immediately began scanning work on that collection. We hope to unveil that collection in whole or in part at the Fall 2024 Library Users Group meeting.
OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Statistics - October 30, 2022 | ||
FY24 Q1 | FY24 Q2 | |
Transactions | ? | ? |
Holdings Added to WorldCat Records | 26 | 1 |
Total Titles | 81,826 | 108,449 |
Catalog Record Count | ||
Oct. 1 | Dec. 31 | |
Titles | 97,078 | 97,099 |
Copies | 106,656 | 106,679 |
Volumes (Items) | 109,804 | 109,828 |
Print Collection Usage for the Quarter | |||
Type | Items | Location | Print Items |
VDOT | 134 | NOVA | 66 |
VTRC | 30 | Central Office | 18 |
Other In House/ILL | 5 | Fredericksburg | 12 |
0 |
Staunton | 11 |
Total Print Usage | 169 | Bristol | 10 |
Richmond | 8 | ||
Hampton Roads | 8 | ||
Lynchburg | 1 | ||
Culpeper | 0 | ||
Salem | 0 |
The table to the left adds the total number of print items borrowed by each district/division of VDOT (134) to items "checked out" or "renewed" by VTRC, UVA personnel and others, creating a hard copy borrowing total of 169.
The table below adds the number of downloads from the library's virtual collection this quarter to the circulation from the library's print holdings for a total of 3,620 items borrowed or accessed this quarter.
Print Circulation | 169 |
Subscription Downloads | 3,451 |
Library Usage for the Quarter | 3,620 |
The table to the left shows the total collection usage for the past five quarters. The FY24 Q2 bar reflects the total seen in the chart above, 3,620 (a combination of print and virtual collection usage).
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