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Library Quarterly Report FY24 Q2: October-December 2023

Database Usage

Subscription database use as measured by full-text downloads dropped from an all-time high (of 4,684 downloads) last quarter to match our five-year average almost perfectly, at 3,451 for the quarter. The 5-year average is at 3,434/quarter. Leading all resources (as is typically the case) was ASTM Compass, followed by Transportation Research Record, ASCE Library and Knovel. As is typically the case, Skillsoft also made a strong showing.

Image showing Youtube video of Knovel SSO instructions. 

This quarter the library worked with VDOT IT and VITA contractors to establish and test a Single Sign On (SSO) option for the Knovel database. This is the library's second SSO (ASTM Compass was our first in May of this year) and SSO is a direction we would ultimately like to turn for all our subscription databases, as it lowers the barrier to entry for potential users.

We promoted SSO directly to known users, with an article in the library's online newsletter, and via instructional video.

The Library continues to expand access to resources through "self-service" online subscription databases. We now provide 22 subscription databases to VDOT employees (19 of those are "full text" resources). Tables here show the number of downloads per month (below) from each database. The trend over the past year (right), stayed higher than average at 1,283 downloads/month.

Subscription database usage FY24 Q2: January-December 2023
Subscription Downloads By VDOT: FY24 Q2
October  November  December  Total 
ASTM Compass  646  372  490  1,508 
Transportation Research Record  126  233  187  546 
ASCE Library  176  102  176  454 
Knovel  199  117  124  440 
Skillsoft  129  66  66  261 
Non-Subscription Downloads (Library Catalog)  32  24  22  78 
EBSCO Business Book Summaries  21  28  54 
EBSCO Business Source Corporate Plus  13  13  34 
 EBSCO eBooks (3 collections)  15  13  33 
* Miscellaneous Content  14   23 
 ScienceDirect   5  10  20 
Monthly Totals  1,341  967  1,143  3,451 

The Miscellaneous Content category includes journals from the ICE Virtual Library collection, Taylor & Francis, ACI, Corrosion and IEEE Xplore. 

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