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Library Quarterly Report FY24 Q2: October-December 2023

Research Services

Since 2016 the library has used Springshare’s LibAnswers to record patron interactions. The online ticketing system allows us to track the nuances of customer service with precision and provides data on who is asking questions, along with a variety of transactional data. This quarter there were 381 total library transactions across all departments, 113 of which were "reference questions." Of those transactions, 40 were from VTRC personnel, 57 from VDOT employees in other parts of the agency, and 16 were from 'Other' or non-affiliated patrons. Both reference transactions and "all transactions" were slightly below average this quarter. 



The table to the right reflects the number of reference and research transactions the library had by district/division this quarter (100 total). Transactions added to those not affiliated with VDOT (16) totaled 116.

Origin Questions VTRC/CO/Districts Transactions
VDOT  100 VTRC 40
Central Office 33
Staunton 7
Hampton Roads 4
Bristol 4
Other (Non-affiliated) 16 Richmond 2
Total Transactions 113 Fredericksburg 2
    Lynchburg 1

Literature Search & Synthesis

The library provides a literature search and synthesis for patrons. The service is quick but thorough and each search is delivered to meet the requestor's specific needs. This quarter we received and completed two requests:

1. Research On the Effectiveness Of Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs: A Fast-Tracked Literature Search.(Compiled for JoAnne Maxwell, Director of VDOT Governance and Legislative Affairs, 18 pages) 

2. A Search For Literature On The Use Of Type B Class VI (AKA “B6”) Pavement Marking Tape On Latex Modified Slurry-Sealed Highways(Compiled for G. Michael Fitch, PhD, VTRC Research Director, 26 pages)

Graph showing literature searches delivered by quarter from 2019-2024.Search requests dropped from an average of 5 per quarter to 1 per quarter during the Pandemic, but are showing signs of recovery.  

Contact the Library:

530 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Ph: 434-293-1902 | E-mail:
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