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Library Quarterly Report FY24 Q2: October-December 2023

Virtual Library Card

The library’s “Virtual Library Card” helps employees access collections and services remotely. The bar graph below (left) shows cardholder growth in the past five quarters. This quarter data indicates 50 library patrons separated from VDOT and 24 new patrons were added, for a net loss of 20. The pie chart (right) shows how new accounts were created:

New Cards from Self-Registration (8): Some VDOT employees register themselves online. Library staff verify identities, activate those accounts, and send a welcome message and support materials.
New Cards from Onboarding (3): We suspended most onboarding activity in 2022 due to lack of HR data but are actively working with HR now to develop an improved way to target potential users. 

Bar graph showing card holders from FY23 Q2 through FY24 Q2.
Pie graph showing total accounts

Since 2014 we have "onboarded" new employees based on HR data. The library creates accounts for new personnel and reaches out online. Onboarding/offboarding efforts were negatively impacted by the implementation of a new Oracle-based Human Capital Management System and we suspended onboarding for three quarters while we performed offboarding manually. We are now getting accurate data directly from HR, but it is not clear onboarding the way we've been doing it results in more library use or just more library cards. This quarter we onboarded again, but we are considering a new methodology that will yield more actual library "users."

FY24Q2: Summary of Library Activity


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 Catalog Record Count - Volumes 174,131 174,175 161,295 109,776 109,828 Section 3
 VDOT Print Collection Usage 192 199 124
117 169 Section 3
 VDOT Subscription Downloads 4,396 3,807 3,494 4,684 3,451 Section 4
 Items Loaned through ILL 6 4 6 2 3 Section 5
 Items Borrowed through ILL 26 37 39 18 25 Section 5
 Document Deliveries to VDOT 47 46 80 52 47 Section 5
 Literature Searches Delivered 1 1 2 2 2 Section 6
 Reference Questions Answered 132 164 130 141 116 Section 6
 Total Questions Answered (all departments) 397 314 355 343 381 Section 6
 Total Virtual Library Card Holders 2,284 2,478 2,458 2,425 2,377 Section 7

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