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Library Quarterly Report FY17 Q1: July - September 2016

Cataloging, Collections and Technical Services

While progress was made on continuing projects like the technical assistance (TA) and Literature Search databases, focus shifted to preparing for the library's new website. Substantial effort was put into reviewing library policies for publication on the new site and toward creating and testing online forms including a “What’s New” page. Several tweaks to library catalog configurations were made and tested to accommodate the site’s changes for new user self-registration for library access. TRB announced that they would cease print publication of Transportation Research Record (TRR) and introduced a new online site for TRR access. With the help of Barb Neyman and James O’Leary, the library updated existing TRR records with links to the new URLs. NTIS also announced it would no longer be offering paid access to NTRL this quarter and would make that database publicly accessible. Finally, Penny Via and Mary Bennett helped collect and bind several back years of VTRC reports.

The tables below reflect the increases in library holdings and cataloging statistics between FY16Q4 and FY17Q1.

OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Statistics - Sept. 30, 2016
  FY16 Q4  FY17 Q1 
Transactions  447  669 
Holdings Added to WorldCat Records  75  82 
Total Titles  73,606*  86,403* 

* EBSCO holdings turned off in WorldCat.

Catalog Record Count
  June 30  Sept 30 
Titles  98,555  98,624 
Copies  107,909  107,976 
Volumes (Items)  110,831  110,900 
Print Collection Usage for the Quarter
Type  Items  Location  Print Items 
VDOT  191  Central Office  72 
VTRC  85  Salem  34 
Other In House/ILL  NOVA  31 
UVA  Hampton Roads  18 
    Fredericksburg  15 
    Culpeper  12 
Hard Copy Total  288  Staunton 

The table to the left adds the total number of print items borrowed by each district/division of VDOT (191) to items borrowed by UVA personnel and others, creating a hard copy borrowing total of 288.





The table below adds the number of downloads from the library's virtual collection this quarter to the circulation from the library's print holdings for a total of 3,316 items borrowed or accessed this quarter.

Total collection usage by quarter
 Print Circulation  288 
 Subscription Downloads 3,028 
 Library Usage for the Quarter 3,316 

The table to the left shows the total collection usage for the past five quarters. The FY17 Q1 bar reflects the total seen in the chart above, 3,316 (a combination of print and virtual collection usage).

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