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Library Quarterly Report FY17 Q1: July - September 2016

Database Usage

Use of library subscription databases showed healthy increases this quarter with significant upticks in patron use of ASTM Compass, Knovel, and ASCE Library. Future plans for promotion (and user education) of library resources will focus on LibGuides and we plan to migrate existing “Quick Start Guides” for resources like Knovel, ASTM Compass, and Books24x7 from static PDF handouts to more interactive formats in LibGuides, now that the new Library Web site is coming to life and new LibGuides templates are being created.

Knowledgebuilder Databases Records Added/Updated:

TA Project Database: 19
Lit Search Database: 5

Subscription Downloads
The VDOT Research Library continues to expand access to key resources through online subscription databases. With thirteen subscription databases now active and serving the VDOT community, the library has seen a steady amount of usage for FY2016 and into FY2017. The tables show the number of downloads per month (below) from each database, as well as the trend over the past year (right).
Subscription database usage.



Subscription Downloads by VDOT 2
  July  August  September  Total 
ASTM Compass  280  334   173  787 
Non-Subscription Downloads (EOS Clickthroughs)  200  210  184  594 
 Knovel   121  212  213  546 
TRR  81  67  117  265 
Books24x7   81  66  71  218 
 ASCE  50  92  61  203 
EBSCO eBooks  19  27  25  71 
Other (Miscellaneous Journals)  24  11  41 
EBSCO BBS  23  35 
EBSCO BSC  26  30 
ScienceDirect  14  10  28 
 NTRL  16  23 
Monthly Totals   879  1,057  905  2,841 


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