Library Launches Connections: A New E-Newsletter
Since March 2016, the library has been testing a new “system-wide blog” that comes with the library’s LibGuides CMS system from vendor Springshare. For years the library has sought a customer-initiated news source to help us share the updates, news and library-related events with patrons and friends.
The site, accessible at:, is called “Connections,” the new "Library E-Newsletter” though technically it is a blog. Blog is short for “Weblog” a Web 2.0 technology that has been around for more than a decade and is roughly equivalent to an online log or journal that users can subscribe to via e-mail.
We hope to use Connections to publish 1 to 4 new posts a month (no more than 1 per week), and each post will be focused on topics of interest to known library users, describing a new feature or development in 150-250 words as well as including
images and links to internal and external resources. Connections has two parts, a front end and a back end. Patrons see the front end features and library staff use the back end to manage posts.
Front End Features:
Back End Features:
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