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Library Quarterly Report FY23 Q2: October-December 2022

Database Usage

Subscription database use as measured by full-text downloads continued a steady uphill climb for the fourth quarter in a row, reaching its highest point since we started recording that metric in 2006, a total of 4,396 downloads. The 5-year average has been around 3,310/quarter. Leading all resources (as is typically the case) was ASTM Compass, followed by Transportation Research RecordKnovel and Skillsoft Books. As noted in this quarter's Spotlight, we conducted a trial of four new content categories in Knovel but despite that fact did not see much of a spike in usage of that resource. Should we add any of those collections we plan to redouble promotional efforts for Knovel (as a whole) and if we do that we would expect to see a subsequent uptick in usage metrics.

The Library continues to expand access to resources through "self-service" online subscription databases. We now provide 22 subscription databases to VDOT employees (18 of those are "full text" resources). Tables here show the number of downloads per month (below) from each database. The trend over the past year (right), which rose consistently during the calendar year.

Subscription database usage FY22 Q2: January-December 2022
Subscription Downloads By VDOT: FY23 Q2
October  November  December  Total 
ASTM Compass  892  675  902  2,469 
Transportation Research Record  195  116  223  534 
Knovel  133  198  199  530 
Skillsoft Books  129  157  133  419 
ASCE Library  91  62  80  233 
Non-Subscription Downloads (Library Catalog)  21  64  16  101 
Miscellaneous Journals  29  41 
ScienceDirect  14  25 
* EBSCO eBooks  14  3  25 
EBSCO Business Book Summaries  15 
 EBSCO Business Source Corporate Plus  4 
Monthly Totals  1,497  1,293  1,606  4,396 

The EBSCO eBooks category combines three EBSCO eBook collections: Harvard Business Review Press, BussinessCore and EngineeringCore.
** The Miscellaneous journals category includes journals from the ICE Virtual Library collection, Taylor & Francis, ACI and Corrosion. 

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