Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. It offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views of streets, real-time traffic conditions, and route planning for traveling by foot, car, bicycle, or public transportation.
VirginiaRoads is a portal for interactive mapping applications and publications. To better serve the citizens of the Commonwealth, VDOT is striving to maximize the availability of transportation related data online through interactive mapping applications. Check back often to see what has been added! Real time traffic conditions, camera feeds, work zone information, and reported incidents are available through the VDOT 511 icon. Other published links with mapped data are also provided in this one stop portal.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Maps (crashes, volumes, speed limits, projects, trails etc).
Integrator 2.0 (***Use Internet Explorer Browser from on the VDOT Network***)
***Integrator 2.0 users will need to download Microsoft Silverlight ***
***This step requires VITA Authorization***
Fairfax County Open Geospatial Data Portal offers over 170 GIS data layers to view and/or download. Datasets can be filtered to contain only the features of the dataset of interest. Data are offered in several formats including: CSV, KML, shapefile, and JSON. It is suggested that downloaded data be reprojected to the local coordinate system.
Data of interest to TPRAC:
HPMS Public Release Shapefiles spatially represent limited data from the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) for 2011-2015 data years. A preliminary dataset for 2015 is also provided and available for research. This data has not been finalized and may have missing information. There are several States that will update their HPMS Data in the coming weeks. The Office of Highway Policy anticipates that the "Official" version will be uploaded on or about October 1, 2016.
***Note*** A field manual for the data is available here.
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