The RITIS Vehicle Probe Project Suite allows agencies to support operations, planning, analysis, research, and performance measures generation using probe data mixed with other agency transportation data.
The suite consists of a collection of data visualization and retrieval tools. These web-based tools allow users to download reports, visualize data on maps or in other interactive graphics, and even download raw data for off-line analysis. Each tool has its own unique purposes. Among many other uses, the Vehicle Probe Project Suite can provide insight on:
Data of interest to TPRAC:INRIX and NPMRDS TMC speed, congestion scans, performance charts, user delay costs, buffer time index, planning time index, bottlenecks, trend maps
***Vehicle Probe Project Suite requires users register for and maintain a RITIS username and password***
Bluetooth and WiFi Travel time data sources are vendor specific and may require users to register and maintain individual usernames and passwords.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Travel time and speed data on corridors that have been instrumented
Some examples of this type of data source include:
"BlueTOAD" by TrafficCast
BlueToad Requires registration: *register here*
Acyclica Go requires registration: *register here*
VDOT 511 offers real-time traffic info. Anytime you need it, anywhere you are. Learn More.
Uber Movement provides anonymized data from over two billion trips to help urban planning around the world.
***Requires Account Registration*** Register here.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Anonymized data from Uber trips
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