Bluetooth and WiFi Travel time data sources are vendor specific and may require users to register and maintain individual usernames and passwords.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Travel time and speed data on corridors that have been instrumented
Some examples of this type of data source include:
"BlueTOAD" by TrafficCast
BlueToad Requires registration: *register here*
Acyclica Go requires registration: *register here*
Data of interest to TPRAC: Published AADT, truck/bus/motorcycle %
***Browser Issues: Site Works Best in Internet Explorer***
Data of interest to TPRAC: AADT, Link traffic volumes, truck %, binned classification
VaTraffic is a web-based application that provides VDOT operations staff with the foundation they need to collect, monitor, update, and publish roadway information more efficiently.
The VaTraffic application collects and distributes critical operational data in real-time. VDOT staff and contractors enter and maintain data and information about traffic incidents, work zones, weather events like fog and high wind advisories, security events, and major public events such as NASCAR races. More importantly, VaTraffic is the coordinating point for major emergencies including snow storms, flood events and hurricanes.
Virginia motorists benefit from access to timely traffic and travel information, and VDOT benefits from consistent, accurate, and real-time data required to meet its business needs and motorist’s expectations.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Statewide historic incident, work zone and weather data (need approval and training)
***Requires Username and Password***
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled by Federal Vehicle Class, Physical Jurisdiction, Physical Jurisdiction, with Towns Combined into Counties, Physical Jurisdiction by Federal Vehicle Class All Roads, Physical Jurisdiction by Federal Vehicle Class All Roads; with Towns Combined into Counties, Maintenance Jurisdiction State Maintained Roads, Maintenance Jurisdiction All Roads and Maintenance Jurisdiction by Federal Vehicle Class All Roads in PDF and Excel Spreadsheet file formats.
VDOT 511 offers real-time traffic info. Anytime you need it, anywhere you are. Learn More.
Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app. Join other drivers in your area who share real-time traffic and road info, saving everyone time and gas money on their daily commute.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Road-user reports
The RNS creates a replacement system for the aging HTRIS mainframe system. The new system will incorporate a relational database that provides universal enterprise data access, links geospatial data and business attributes to the roadway centerlines, and provides web accessibility to users currently unable to retrieve critical roadway data.
The RNS is designed to be available to all VDOT personnel, such that they can view and report on a wide variety of VDOT business data through the application. Select users have the ability to perform more complex analyses and reporting.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Crashes
To view these and other resources on the VDOT RNS Site users will need to download Microsoft Silverlight
***This step will likely require VITA Authorization***
The SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study includes:
Information describing the 3,400+ drivers and vehicles that participated in the naturalistic driving study. 5,400,000+ Trip summary records that describe individual trips recorded during the study.
SHRP2 NDS status information including data collection and processing progress. 36,000+ Crash, near crash, and baseline driving events. (More coming soon)
Background information about the project and data being collected.
Discussion forums for questions about the project and available data
View Background information about the SHRP2 NDS.
View detailed data collected from driver assessments, vehicles, trip summaries, and critical driving events.
Query the database of detailed data, create cross tabulations, and assess NDS database content.
***Requires Registration***
The VDOT Crash Analysis Tool has been developed in-house by VDOT's Traffic Engineering Division, Highway Safety section for crash analysis purposes. The main source of the data is owned and maintained by the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This site was made publicly available on October 23, 2019 and contains data from 2015-present. An overview video on this tool is available here.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Crash data, police reports
The main goal of TREDS (Traffic Records Electronic Data System) is to provide accurate, timely and detailed highway safety information for analysis and reporting. The data from TREDS is used to support Virginia’s efforts to reduce crashes, injuries, fatalities and associated costs. Through TREDS, Virginia now has one of the most effective and innovative information technology tools in the nation to identify and address its highway safety concerns.
This state-of-the-art, automated data system centralizes all of Virginia’s crash data and related information. A recent enhancement to the system’s mapping tool, now allows users to combine safety program areas, such as impaired driving and speed, and it also allows agencies to focus on the crash data in their jurisdiction whereas in the past, users have only been able to narrow the data down to the county level.
***Login Required***
Data of interest to TPRAC: Crash data, police reports
Dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence in motor vehicle and highway safety, NHTSA works daily to help prevent such crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial.
NHTSA provides a number of data resources (featured below) of interest to TPRAC including FARS, NASS, NCSA, and STSI among others.
FARS is a nationwide census providing NHTSA, Congress and the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Fatality data and queries
NASS provides NHTSA an efficient and reusable resource with which to conduct data collection representing a broad spectrum of American society. Using a core set of crash data components, NASS has proven a reliable resource for a variety of agency sponsored electronic data collection efforts over the past 10 years.
NASS is composed of two systems - the Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) and the General Estimates System (GES). These are based on cases selected from a sample of police crash reports. CDS data focus on passenger vehicle crashes, and are used to investigate injury mechanisms to identify potential improvements in vehicle design. GES data focus on the bigger overall crash picture, and are used for problem size assessments and tracking trends.
Data of interest to TPRAC: National crash statistics and estimates
The National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), is an office of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),and is responsible for providing a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community at large.
Data of interest to TPRAC:Crash data sources
NHTSA's State Traffic Safety Information database.
Data of interest to TPRAC: State specific crash data and resources
This site maintained by th California Department of Motor Vehicles houses information on adopted regulations for testing of autonomous vehicles by manufacturers, information for manufacturer testing of autonomous vehicles, autonomous vehicle accident reports, autonomous vehicle disengagement reports, previous hearings and workshops and general background on autonomous vehicles in California.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Records of all crashes and disengagements of autonomous vehicles
The Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) is an automated data sharing, dissemination, and archiving system that includes many performance measure, dashboard, and visual analytics tools that help agencies to gain situational awareness, measure performance, and communicate information between agencies and to the public.Learn More.
Data of interest to TPRAC:Incident and work zone data; detector data
***RITIS requires users to register for & maintain a username and password***
The RITIS Vehicle Probe Project Suite allows agencies to support operations, planning, analysis, research, and performance measures generation using probe data mixed with other agency transportation data.
The suite consists of a collection of data visualization and retrieval tools. These web-based tools allow users to download reports, visualize data on maps or in other interactive graphics, and even download raw data for off-line analysis. Each tool has its own unique purposes. Among many other uses, the Vehicle Probe Project Suite can provide insight on:
Data of interest to TPRAC:INRIX and NPMRDS TMC speed, congestion scans, performance charts, user delay costs, buffer time index, planning time index, bottlenecks, trend maps
***Vehicle Probe Project Suite requires users register for and maintain a RITIS username and password***
Uber Movement provides anonymized data from over two billion trips to help urban planning around the world.
***Requires Account Registration*** Register here.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Anonymized data from Uber trips
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