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Guide to Transportation Planning Data Sources

This is a guide to an array of transportation planning data sources of interest to the VTRC Transportation Planning Research Advisory Committee (TPRAC).

About This Guide

This is a guide to an array of transportation data sources of particular interest to the Transportation Planning Community developed as part of an implementation effort originally outlined in the July 2015 Virginia Transportation Research Council report VCTIR 15-R23 Data Needs Assessment for Making Transportation Decisions in Virginia  (Khattak et. al).

Here members and friends of the Transportation Planning Research Advisory Committee (TPRAC) can find information on and access to a range of data sources loosely grouped into nine major categories:Traffic, Multi-modal, Geospatial, Inventory and Land Use, Economic and Demographic, Environment, Laws and Research, Projectsand Data Clearinghouse, with a variety of subcategories as well. Special instructions and other descriptive information about various resources are included as well to help navigate.

Data Sources are marked when applicable by network access level with important restrictions and special instructions ***noted in bold*** as necessary.

Suggest a Data Source

Have a data source in mind that you don't see here?

Use this form to suggest a data source to be included in this guide. 

Just leave us your name, email, phone number, the name of the data source along with a link and a brief description and why you think it would be of interest to the members and friends of TPRAC. Be sure to include in the description any special access requirements like registration, username/password, network limitations or anything else that you might want to draw particular attention to beforehand. 

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