The Project Pool is the source of basic project data for VDOT. The application consists of
several pages of data entry and maintenance functions as well as a revision system to handle data
change requests from the field.
Data of interest to TPRAC: Active projects, descriptions, attachments, by UPC
***VDOT Network Only***
Virginia’s Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) will lead the development of the Commonwealth’s long-range multimodal transportation plan – VTrans2040. The plan will be developed in two phases and will result in the production of two companion documents: the VTrans2040 Vision and the VTrans2040 Multimodal Transportation Plan.
VTrans2040 will identify multimodal needs across the Commonwealth. Moving forward, only projects that help address a need identified in VTrans2040 will be considered for funding under the statewide prioritization process from House Bill 2. The plan will focus on the needs of the Commonwealth’s statewide network of Corridors of Statewide Significance, the multimodal regional networks that support travel within metropolitan regions, and improvements to promote locally designated Urban Development Areas (UDAs).
Data of interest to TPRAC: Virginia transportation investment priorities
The VDOT Dashboard gives a broad overview of the status of VDOT projects using a number of different performance metrics. Learn more here.
530 Edgemont Road,
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